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Open Source JavaScript Client-Side Bitcoin Wallet Address & QR Code Generator

How to use bitaddress.org

If you submit a mnemonic seed, bitaddress.org will generate Bitcoin wallet address with their public/private keys and corresponding QR codes.
If a private key is submitted, bitwallet.org will generate Bitcoin wallet addresses and their public keys and corresponding QR codes, including QR codes for the private key submitted.
Please be informed that no user information is ever stored on this website.

Press Enter on your keyboard or click the View Details button to submit your wallet details.

Along with your standard Bitcoin address, a compressed format is also generated with their corresponding QR codes, as well as the public keys (standard 130 characters [0-9A-F]
and compressed 66 characters [0-9A-F]) when you submit a private key.

If you submit a mnemonic seed, also known as seed phrase or recovery phrase, in an attempt to create a new bitcoin wallet or create backup keys for your existing wallets,
the corresponding private keys will be generated for you in the following formats:

• Private Key WIF (51 characters base58, starts with a '5' WIF format),
• Private Key WIF Compressed (52 characters base58, starts with a 'K' or 'L'),
• Private Key Hexadecimal Format (64 characters [0-9A-F]),
• Private Key Base64 (44 characters).

Version History (3.3.1)
527B 5C82 B1F6 B2DB 72A0
ECBF 8749 7B91 6397 4F5A

(PGP) (sig)